INNOLOG e-learning, education and training modules
As part of WP7 activities, some instructional videos have been edited. This is the first step of the dissemination activity that will finalize in 2020.
The first set of videos gives an overview on the project and of the different innovative disciplines given by the INNOLOG team experts and by the speakers that were invited to attend the meeting and will be completed until the end of the project. Different specialists explain the basics of their expertise and how this has been applied to INNOLOG.
The videos cover all the steps of the project. From the basics of the methods and how the tools and software were designed and constructed (different prototypes), to the final prototypes and tests carried out at test sites and at mine exploration boreholes. The videos were recorded and edited by the INNOLOG team and some external specialists to illustrate e.g. hyperspectral core scanning which was used in the project.
The main topics covered are:
Basics of methods
Acquiring spectral signatures. Innolog database by CSIC
Mineral interpretation based on hyperspectral imagery by UPM
Basics of Raman spectroscopy and LIBS methods by CNR
Logging Tools by CSIC
Hyperspectral imaging: mapping minerals and more by Terracore
Logging tools/ Software
Results in automatic mineral recognition with Innolog systems based on improved deep learning techniques by UPM
Innolog borehole hyperspectral imaging tool by UPC by UPM
New prototype of the Innolog Raman spectroscopy and LIBS borehole logging tool by CNR
Field Test
Introduction by MAGNA
View of a mining company by Magna
“The innovative technologies in exploration and mineral detection” practical workshop 2018
“The innovative technologies in exploration and mineral detection” practical workshop 2019