We are happy to share that the BrineRIS project is visible at more and more events. Last weeks it was promoted by Technische Universität Bergakademie Freiberg (TUBAF).
“From 8 to 10 June, the 73rd BHT – FREIBERGER UNIVERSITÄTSFORUM took place. Several hundred participants discussed the topic “Shaping the energy and raw materials transition with innovations” in various sessions. The BrineRIS project was presented with a poster in the specialist colloquium “Robotics for Mining, Underground Inspection & Environmental Monitoring”.
On 14 June, WP leader Thomas Grab presented the project to local authorities, energy suppliers and representatives of the authorities as part of the heat pump workshop of the Chair of Technical Thermodynamics.
Finally, the project was also presented with a roll-up at the Freiberg Science Night from 18 June to 19 June. At the same time, the project staff conducted exciting experiments with the guests on topics such as cooling drinks, thermal insulation and regenerative energy production.”